Abnormalities in your GI tract are not a matter to overlook. If you do not receive proper treatment to improve the condition of your GI tract, it can lead to complex and life-threatening diseases, including GERD, Gastrointestinal bleeding, bile duct issues, familial adenomatous polyposis, and even cancer.
For early detection of GI tract anomalies, healthcare professionals recommend multiple lab tests and imaging examination procedures, including Endoscopy (Endoscopie) digestive, fecal immunochemical test, colonoscopy, upper, and lower GI analysis, MRI scan, etc.
The result of these tests allows medical practitioners to recommend the best-fit treatment, restoring the functionality and well-being of your GI tract. Get a quick insight into the different types of GI tract tests, the reasons they are performed, and ailments they can possibly diagnose. So, let’s get started!
Types of Gastroscopy Examinations in Laval
Whether it’s a lab test or an imaging endoscopic examination, healthcare experts suggest both upper and lower GI tract examination tests to find the root problem. We will discuss both the examination series in detail for your better understanding.
Upper GI examination Tests
Upper GI tract examination is conducted through x-rays and imaging tests like Endoscopy (Endoscopie) digestive. Here’s a list of those possible tests that your specialist might recommend:
1. X-Ray After Swallowing Barium
The following symptoms indicate an underlying problem in your esophagus:
- Intolerable abdominal pain
- Blood in stool
- Vomiting
- Pain during swallowing.
In these cases, your physician could suggest you to undergo the barium test.
It is no doubt one of the easiest GI tract analysis tests that patients can go through. Here, you would have to drink a chalky barium-water solution. The mixture will supposedly cover the walls of your digestive tract, which will appear white in the X-ray reports. This will help your doctor understand what the condition is of your upper GI tract.
The goal is to get a clear image. Avoid anything that can cause a blockage on the image.
- Eat only low-fibre foods for seven days before the test.
- Do not consume anything for at least 8 hours before the X-Ray.
- You might need to take laxatives for two days prior to clear out your bowels.
2. Gastroscopy
Your specialist might suggest a gastroscopy in Laval if you are suffering from any of the following:
- Heartburn
- Nausea
- Stomach ailment
If these persist, you have a high risk of developing:
- Gastric ulcers
- Hernia
- Crohn’s disease
- Celiac disease, etc.
The specialist will insert an endoscope (a long, thin tube with a camera-attached at one end) through your throat and down to the stomach. It will allow them to have a clear view of your GI tract organs and make your reports accordingly. For further testing like a biopsy, they collect samples of the suspicious-looking tissues.
This test is performed on an empty stomach. Do not eat or drink anything for a minimum of 6-8 before the procedure. Otherwise, any food particle can create an obstruction in the image.
The procedure will take a few minutes, however, you cannot leave the clinic immediately after the procedure. Since you will apparently stay under the influence of the sedatives and there could be some pain as the device is directly inserted through your throat, your physician would recommend you to rest at least for 30 minutes to 1 hour before discharging you.
If there is any blockage present in bile or pancreatic ducts like gallstones, it immediately needs surgery. Bile obstruction can have a dangerous impact on your health and can even result in life-threatening diseases like cancer.
The symptoms are so common, that individuals often mistake it as acid reflux. However, if you experience abdominal pain, and vomiting, and notice more bilirubin levels in your blood, consult your specialist and take an ERCP test.
This test needs the use of an endoscope combined with an x-ray, similar to an endoscope digestive examination. This is how the test is done:
- Your physician will insert an endoscope through your mouth down to the stomach, esophagus, and small intestine.
- The endoscope will check your gallbladder, liver, bile ducts, and pancreas and the camera capture images for further tests.
- The whole process might take time between 30 minutes- 1 hour. But, you need to wait for around 2 hours before heading home.
You need to follow a similar preparation program just like the Endoscopy (Endoscopie digestive) test.
4. Endoscopic Ultrasound
This specific test is an excellent alternative to ECRP that excludes the impact of X-ray radiation. The test assists in diagnosing bile obstruction and also makes it easier for your physician to collect samples for biopsies.
In this test, the use of an endoscope will be evident excluding the X-ray radiation. Instead of x-ray specialists are likely to use a little ultrasound device.
- Your physician will insert an endoscope through your mouth down to the upper GI tract.
- With the endoscope and x-ray, he/she will assess the condition of your gallbladder, liver, bile ducts, and pancreas.
- The camera at the end of the scope will capture images for generating further reports.
The procedure generally takes 30 minutes- 1 hour to accomplish. You need to stay at the clinic for at least 2 hours after this.
Refraining from eating and drinking anything before the night of the test day and following a low-fibre diet is suggestible before a week of the examination.
5. Gastric Manometry
Gastric manometry evaluates pressure and movement in your esophagus. If you encounter signs like heartburn, pain while swallowing, and abdominal pain, you might have to take this test.
Your specialist will insert a long, thin, and flexible tube-like instrument through your nose. Then, he/she will pass the tube down to your stomach and esophagus. The vibration that the instrument picks is used to generate reports. While the process is in progress, you might need to swallow so that your physician can better understand your condition.
To execute the test successfully, your expert might suggest you avoid any types of acid suppression drugs. Also, medicines that are calcium channel and beta blockers, and caffeinated, are strictly prohibited.
Lower GI tract Tests
The lower GI tract tests include the examination of your colon and rectum area. Symptoms like rectal bleeding, abdominal cramps, and improper bowel movement are reasons why your specialist could ask you to take tests of your lower GI tract. The most common and recommended tests include:
1. Colonoscopy
Colonoscopy is a follow-up test performed if there is any abnormality found in your colon area in the screening report. The test assists the doctors to find and eliminate polyps that might be cancerous.
The experts who will perform the test will insert a colonoscope (similar to the endoscope device) into your rectum.
- Thereafter, he/she will diagnose the condition of the area where the small and large intestine meets. In this location, certain gastrointestinal conditions, like Crohn’s disease mostly form.
- At the time of the test, the person in charge of handling it will collect samples from the internal part of your colon for biopsy.
It takes around 45 minutes for colonoscopy to complete, but you need to wait at the hospital for 2 to 3 hours.
The process is painful, that’s why your specialist is likely to offer you mild sedatives that can make you feel relaxed and ease the discomfort.
2. Barium Enema X-ray
Patients encountering blood stools, terrible abdominal pain and discomfort are often suggested to take the barium enema x-ray test. This examination helps to identify the problems with your bowel contour.
If you have read this write-up this far, you are already aware of the barium test for the upper GI tract test. This barium enema x-ray examination is quite similar to it. Since these tests generate reports of your colon and lower GI tract, the white chalky barium-water solution is used as an enema. The chalky substance will appear as white in the X-ray report, ensuring a clear view of your colon and bowel contour. The test takes between 30 to 60 minutes to accomplish.
There are no such preparation tips that you need to follow. One thing that you must know is that a barium enema test is pretty uncomfortable. During the process, you will feel the urge of the bowel movement, but you need to hold yourself, till the completion of the test. So, it’s advisable to have a clear bowel movement before starting the test.
3. Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
The test diagnoses inflamed and irritated tissues in the lower colon area and the presence of cancer or polyps.
The sigmoidoscopy test is undertaken to diagnose the condition of the lower part of the colon area. A sigmoidoscopic device is just like the colonoscope, which the expert inserts into your rectum to capture images and collect samples for the biopsy test.
The test does not need any preparation. But the process itself is painful and can cause considerable discomfort. Your specialist might administer mild sedatives to make you more comfortable.
4. Capsule Endoscopy
Some certain ailments in your intestine tracts, including the large and small intestine are hard to detect through Endoscopy (Endoscopie) digestive test or colonoscopy. At that time, the use of capsule endoscopy comes into action! The test offers a comprehensive analysis of your GI tract as a whole.
The process of capsule endoscopy is more complex than all the other GI tract tests.
- In this test, the patient needs to swallow a capsule that has a tiny video camera fitted into it.
- Just as the pill travels into your digestive tract, it will record the functioning of your intestine tract, allowing your physician to decide on a reliable treatment plan.
- Once it passes through your digestive tract, it will be disposed of.
- Considering the recorded images, if the healthcare professionals find any abnormality in the tissue, they might ask you to undergo a biopsy test.
There are no such preparation tips that you need to follow for taking the test.
5. Anorectal Manometry
This test is performed when you have trouble with the anal sphincter muscles. These problems can manifest as:
- Fecal incontinence (you cannot hold in feces)
- Pain and straining while defecating
- Chronic constipation
- Feeling of obstruction while defecation
This test sees how well your anal sphincter muscles are working.
Given below are the steps you must take to prepare for an anorectal manometry test:
- You must be on an empty stomach
- You must clear your bowel system, possibly with laxatives
- You will need to use an enema provided by your physician to ensure that your bowel is clear
- Avoid consuming any type of medication for 24 hours prior to the test
These steps will ensure your health and the best outcome for the test.
The procedure is safe. You will not experience any significant pain or discomfort. So, there is no need for the use of sedatives. Therefore, you can head towards your home the moment you are done with the test.
- The process involves inserting a small and slender tube having a balloon attached through your rectum.
- After that, your healthcare professional will squeeze inside or push outside your gastrointestinal muscles.
- The information your physician will accumulate from the test will be further used to prepare reports and find out the issue in your lower GI tract.
The process is likely to be finished within a time span of 30 minutes.
Wrapping Up
The medical procedure for GI tract examination, including gastroscopy in Laval might feel a bit uncomfortable but should not be painful. So, if you feel any type of pain, you should immediately speak to your specialist and tell the inconveniences you are facing. Mainly, professionals would offer you mild sedatives to ease your stress and tension.
However, make sure to look for a trusted and reliable clinic to get your test done securely under expert guidance and get precise reports. So, look for the ratings and feedback of the precious patients of your chosen clinic before scheduling an appointment.