Causes and treatments for painful intercourse

All wellbeing is essential, be it physical, mental or emotional wellbeing and more than wellbeing a taboo sexual wellbeing is also important. 

It is a fact well known that sexual wellness is not widely discussed. But solutions are widely available, such as painful intercourse treatment in Montreal.

There are several causes and reasons which can hamper your sexual health like having painful intercourse or facing erectile. 

So in the following article, we shall be exploring the causes of painful intercourse and also analyse the treatment for Painful intercourse treatment in Montréal.

Causes of the painful intercourse 

In the following section, we shall be discussing some of the major causes of painful intercourse.

a. Not having enough lubrication 

Establishing a perfect sexual relationship requires something more than compassion. 

It needs the right kind of lubrication and the correct foreplay. This is also known as entry pain which is caused by not having enough lubrication.

This also happens when there is a level of dropped estrogen. Furthermore, in women, the causal effect of menopause, childbirth or breastfeeding can also be caused by painful intercourse.

This painful intercourse treatment in Montréal should be given immediately before anything serious happens. 

b. Injury, trauma and irritation

One of the primary reason of painful intercourse is infection in the genital area or urinary tract. 

Eczema or other skin problems in the genital area can also be a cause of it

Vaginal dryness is yet another problem which causes painful intercourse, these are primarily known as the involuntary spasms of the muscle of the vaginal wall which in return can make the intercourse extremely painful.

c. Surgeries and chronic conditions 

Several severe diseases and conditions can add to the causes of painful sex. .

Getting scars from pelvic surgery, including hysterectomy, can cause painful intercourse.


As of now, we have discussed the causes, let us discuss the treatment for painful intercourse.


In its simplest sense, painful intercourse is known as dyspareunia which comes in moderate to severe levels.  Painful intercourse treatment Montréal has several medications that can be used.  

This has now been suggested rather than certified by the Food and Drug Administration that ospemifene or Osphena to treat moderate to severe dyspareunia. 

In women who have problems with vaginal lubrication, this medication for Painful intercourse treatment Montréal acts like the estrogen in the vaginal lining.

Apart from his, there is another effective medication known as prasterone or intrarosa,

This is like a capsule which is directly placed inside the vagina. 


This is a fact well known that when you make love with your significant other or establish any other sexual relationship, compassion and emotional stimuli are important. 

Going for therapy such as counselling or sex therapy is important.

In this therapy, you alongside your partner will give an emotional response and you will also be given tips on sexual intimacy. 

This Painful intercourse treatment Montréal, does not require any major surgery or any kind of medication possible, these are just therapies and talking sessions with your partner to facilitate back the spark and intimacy therein. 

Painful intercourse treatment Montréal can also be cured using another therapy which is decentralisation therapy. Here the doctor will give you some exercises which you can perform to get rid of that chronic and chronic pain. 

The Mona Lisa touch 

Vaginal dryness treatment Montréal is also important, as this can constitute most of the painful intercourse experiences and treatment. 

Vaginal dryness treatment Montréal can be cured by using the Mona Lisa touch.

With the help of this treatment, you can restore normal moisture and lubrication and relieve you from itching and burning.

This further improves in improving the elasticity of the vagina.

It also improves resistance to vaginal infections. 

Vaginal atrophy or Vaginal dryness treatment Montréal

Not so complicated women have a complicated biological physiology, which implicates there are different changes in the body of a woman.

In these cases, you can use vaginal dilators. These are non-hormonal treatment options, which is used to boost your estrogen level and stimulate, stretch the vaginal muscles to reverse narrowing of the vagina. 

Vaginal rings and tablet 

Vaginal dryness treatment Montréal also comprises vaginal rings.  

The vaginal ring is a thin, flexible ring your healthcare provider places into your vagina. The purpose of this ring lies in the efficacy.

This vaginal ring releases a low dose of estrogen over three months. After three months your provider removes and replaces the ring.

In addition to the ring, there is a small tablet in your vagina using an applicator. Just like other estrogen treatments, you start out using it daily before tapering off to 2-3 times per week.

Wrapping up 

This is a fact well known that sexual well-being is still a taboo in our society. People tend to forget that not getting this problem treated can deteriorate your condition.

 In the following article, there are displayed various kinds of causes and treatments. 

Painful intercourse treatment Montréal and vaginal dryness can be cured and controlled using the above-mentioned treatment and efficacies. 

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