Many people decide to get their teeth perfectly straightened. This is done to maintain a cute and attractive smile and gain confidence in the process. And this is possible only with orthodontic treatment.
Dental braces in Ottawa is one of the most effective treatments and are widely popular when it comes to having a perfect set of teeth. Professional Esplanade dental clinics perform this exceptional dental procedure for all patients.
However, it is understandable that many individuals are scared of getting braces and consider it to be a rather daunting experience. They delay the procedure for the longest time. But without doing so, all you have to do is find a reliable clinic and get all the right information and advice. Leave it up to the professional dentists to make you feel at ease.
In this post, you are going learn all about getting braces and the importance of this specific orthodontic treatment.
What Are Dental Braces and Who Performs This Procedure?
Dental braces in Ottawa is a popular orthodontic treatment suitable for perfectly aligning teeth. The braces are accurately placed on the teeth in order to move them in the correct manner.
Dental braces are also used to improve the alignment of the teeth and perfectly position them in the upper and lower jaw. They enhance tooth movement and also take care of improper tooth bites.
Orthodontist treatment is done by professional doctors who are expert in handling various dental appliances to perfectly adjust the position of both the jaws and realigning all the teeth. An orthodontist has robust situational judgment as well as strong problem-solving skills. Since they also treat children and teens, they are highly experienced in dealing with patients of all ages and types.
What Are the Types of Dental Braces in Ottawa?
An individual needs to know about the types of braces available before availing this treatment. You ca also entrust the dental professional in Esplanade dental clinic to make the right choice so that you get the best results in a short span of time.
Through the bullet points stated below, the common types of dental braces are explained with all the necessary details.
a. Traditional Metal Dental Braces
This particular type is the one that you see mostly around you. They are made from a mixture of stainless steel and titanium. The wires are directly attached to the teeth so that there is a possibility for better alterations and positioning of the teeth.
These traditional metal dental braces have metal brackets and rubber bands, which are perfectly tied to strongly hold the wire into the brackets.
b. Ceramic Dental Braces
This is quite similar to traditional braces, except for the fact that they consist of ceramic brackets that have the color to blend in perfectly with the teeth.
But this type is usually costlier than traditional metal dental braces and may generate stain marks, if not properly cared for.
c. Lingual Dental Braces
These lingual tooth braces are also very similar to traditional metal braces, except they can be easily customized to make them perfectly compatible with the back portion of the teeth.
This type of braces in Ottawa cannot be seen from the outside. Although they are not visible from outside to other people, they might cause some irritation to the person wearing them, as these braces have direct touch with the tongue. Along with this, they often take more time to get the alignment in place and are also difficult to clean.
d. Progressive or Cleared Removable Aligner Dental Braces
These are also known as invisible dental braces and are very unique and distinctive due to the reason that they do not include metal brackets and wires. Instead of this, they consist of a series of customized and cleared plastic aligners, which can be perfectly worn over the teeth.
This is a rather progressive type and is highly suitable for many types of patients, because they are almost invisible and provide immense freedom to the user to eat and drink anything they desire. But this can be a bit expensive and might not be suitable for anyone with a complex orthodontic cases.
Getting Dental Braces at the Right Time
Patients who frequently come across orthodontic issues can visit a professional Esplanade dental clinic for braces at almost any age. However, it is always recommended that a full orthodontic checkup be done when a child is already in or has crossed the age of seven.
The perfect time for the getting of dental braces lies around the age of ten to fourteen years. This is the growing stage when the teeth are more likely to be straightened at a rapid pace. Early stage orthodontic treatment primarily helps to prevent and cure types of bite issues.
Is Getting Dental Braces a Painful Procedure?
An exceptional orthodontic procedure, getting braces is not at all painful. The initial stage requires only around one to two hours to have the braces accurately placed on the teeth.
At first, the orthodontist will put bands around the molars of the teeth. This may include putting a little amount of pressure or any kind of pinching, but it will not at all be painful. Many patients feel a little discomfort in the first four to five days but soon get accustomed to it.
Another challenge with dental braces in Ottawa is that you might experience a lisp in the first few days. But that can also be overcome quite quickly.
In this treatment, soreness is a very common issue. If you experience soreness, the following tips can be of help:
- Applying oral anesthetic gel on the affected areas
- Timely taking all the doctor-prescribed pain relief medicines, if needed
- Using ice packs on the sore areas
- Eating soft-boiled food or being on a liquid diet
- Drinking ample amounts of cold water
Vital Things to Consider Before Taking the Treatment of Dental Braces in Ottawa
There are some important considerations to make when you think of getting braces. Take a look at the following points to understand the procedure clearly:
● Make Sure to Clean the Teeth Before Appointment
As a part of oral hygiene, everybody has to make sure that they are developing a good habit of appropriately brushing and flossing their teeth. This must be done regularly for several weeks before the doctor appointment.
You need to ensure that teeth and gums are in a good condition before the active orthodontic treatment is commenced. A plaque-free surface is highly needed to allow the brace cement to work properly.
Make sure to have a thorough cleaning of the teeth after every meal. Even after getting braces, continue this process and follow good oral hygiene habits, including using fluoride products.
● Getting Cavities Filled and Other Dental Works Done Beforehand
Technically, it is easy to put dental braces on without getting all the cavities filled beforehand. But that would be an unwise move. It is always best to allow the dentist to fill all the existing cavities first. Doing this will reduce the level of pain and soreness and remove any additional issues that might otherwise occur when the cavities are left open for too long.
If cavities are present at the time of initial consultation at an Esplanade dental clinic, the orthodontist will give advice to the patients on what the next appropriate steps would be. Also, it is highly recommended to have other important dental work done before the braces are put on.
It is also advisable to get wisdom teeth removed before having braces so that they do not pose an obstacle in the duration of the treatment.
● Stocking up the Necessities Needed During the Treatment Period
It is necessary for everyone to fully stock up all the necessary dental hygiene products that will be needed at home at the time of this treatment.
These important things may consist of dental or orthodontic wax or orajel or any other similar solution. Until the mouth is getting adjusted to the new braces, people may feel a little discomfort when the brackets get touched on the inside of the cheek.
Some of the orthodontic wax can also be used to safely hide the brackets, along with using orajel to get relief from pain. This wax is effective in hiding sharp pointed pieces that might protrude from the brace wires.
● Removing Hard and Chewy Food Items from the Diet
There are certain food items that must be avoided at all cost during the treatment procedure. These items can easily damage the dental brace, ultimately forcing the person go for an unexpected visit to the Esplanade dental clinic for consultation.
It is highly recommended that all people begin by limiting the food items and then slowly cutting them out from the diet altogether. Do this a few weeks prior to the treatment so that the habit sets in slowly.
This preventive measure will keep damaged brace brackets, dislodged brace wires, severe germs buildup, along with bad oral health at bay.
These food items may include:
- Extremely chewy or sticky foods such as candies, chocolates or flavored gums.
- Nuts and hard toffees like Lifesavers, Jolly Ranchers, Nerds, or extremely sweet lollipops.
- Popcorns and similar foods
- Crunchy vegetables and hard fruits such as carrots, cob corn, raw apples and whole pears
- Ice chewing
- Sugary or sticky candies such as Sour Patch toffees, Skittles and Twizzlers, etc.
The orthodontic treatment of dental braces in Ottawa can be greatly beneficial for your oral health. It not only improves your smile but also eliminates the possibility of greater oral risks happening in the future.
But you must get the procedure done at a reputable Esplanade dental clinic. This will ensure that the procedure gets done with precision and perfection and that you get the best results out of it. Follow the guidelines given by the dentist and see how your oral health transforms in no time!